My Favorite Olivier Assayas Films (2024 Edition)

Some of these titles I watched online. For the record, there may be a title or two missing because I have not seen it yet. I also can’t find them online.

* * * * (Out of * * * *)

  1. Irma Vep (2022)
  2. Irma Vep (1996)
  3. Carlos (2010)
    (French/German Television)
  4. Summer Hours (2008)
  5. Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)
  6. Personal Shopper (2016)
  7. Clean (2004)
  8. Demonlover (2002)
  9. Sentimental Destinies (2000)
  10. Late August, Early September (1998)
  11. Non-Fiction (2018)
  12. Something in the Air (2012)
  13. Cold Water (1994)
  14. Boarding Gate (2007)
  15. Cinema, de notre temps (1996)
    Episode: HHH, portrait de Hou Hsiao-hsien

    (French Television)
  16. Paris, I Love You (2006)
    Segment: Quartier des Enfants Rouges
  17. Paris Awakens (1991)
  18. Disorder (1986)
  19. Winter’s Child (1989)
  20. Wasp Network (2019)
  21. Noise (2006)
  22. Winston tong en studio (1984)
  23. Rectangle – Deux chansons de Janco (1980)
  24. To Each His Own Cinema (2007)
    Segment: Recrudescence